A Sanctuary is a Place Filled with LOVE
I spent the day yesterday at the Home At Last Animal Sanctuary in Yankee Hill, California. There, I fell in love over and over and over again – immediately loving each rescued animal that I met, starting with the alpacas and dogs and donkeys and working through all the other animal residents: horses, cows, llamas, chickens, roosters, goats, sheep and a pot-bellied pig. And of course the humans!
As I spread out my intuitive antennae, I could feel how loved and safe each animal felt there. And that sense of safety was evident in the comfortable way that each animal greeted my presence, taking their time, approaching in their own way and nuzzling me with lips, tongue and teeth to really get to know me well. Each animal at Home At Last was rescued from either a bad situation or certain death. Some are healing from years of abusive treatment.
It All Started with One Animal to Love
Home at Last is an animal sanctuary with over 70 resident equines who are able to heal from their traumatic pasts and live out their lives in peace and love. The Sanctuary was founded by Jim Kyle, a former soldier, cop, teacher, principal, and school superintendent, and his wife of 51 years, Donna Kyle, also a former teacher. The couple met and married while attending Cal-Poly at Pomona, which has a culture of “service before self” that they have strived to embody their whole lives. After Donna recovered from cancer and Jim recovered from a life-threatening auto accident, they decided to celebrate by getting a mule, “just one backyard animal” as Donna says.
When their first mule Maybelle arrived, she came with baggage: Jessie (another mule) and Sweet (a Kiger mustang). But the Kyles were just getting started! Six weeks later, Breeze Bay came to live with them. Within six months they had taken in 17 horses in need and the Home at Last Sanctuary was born!
Each animal is loved unconditionally and totally respected and honored. Each heals at his or her own pace and there are no expectations or restrictions put on anyone. It is a healing sanctuary in every sense of the word.
Feel the Peace and Love
Jim Kyle writes regularly about the animals on the ranch and recently put several stories and articles into a book : Home At Last – Stories from a Sanctuary. This video conveys the feeling of peace and love that I felt walking among these beautiful animals and people.
How You Can Help
Donna and Jim welcome visitors to their website: Home At Last Website and to the farm in Yankee Hill in northern California and they rely on donations to keep all those animals happy and healthy. So please, visit their website, buy Jim’s book (available on Amazon) or stop by for a visit!
During my visit, Donna, her farm manager Renate and my friend Tam and I hatched plans to join forces for a fundraiser later this year. The details aren’t clear yet, but I will most likely offer intuitive readings and a workshop at the Sanctuary to help people learn how to communicate intuitively with the animals. Stay tuned for more details!

Home At Last People

Home At Last Jake

Home At Last Alpaca

Home At Last Happy Donkeys
Now It’s Your Turn
Donna and Jim love animals so they created a sanctuary that reflects and expresses that love. I built my business around my love of sharing animals’ messages. We all have so much love and it can truly be the force for good in our lives.
Please share your love in the comments below:
What is your biggest love in your life? How does what or who you love inspire you? How is that love changing the world for good?
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