Goodbye 9-Year Cycle

 It Was an Ordinary Morning…

I was on my daily walk in the park with Dazzle and Po when it hit me: 2016 is a “9” year, which means that in a few weeks, we’ll be completing a nine-year cycle. Yikes! For some reason, the weight of it hit me and felt very profound. I know that in numerology, cycles follow themes and when you pull your perspective back, you can see patterns emerging that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to see. What had that cycle been about for me? I hadn’t looked back on my life in a while and certainly not back nine years. Who was I way back then, almost a decade ago?

Where Was I?

It was actually hard to remember back to where I was in 2008 when this cycle began but I got there: I was teaching Introductory Biology, Human Anatomy and Student Success classes at Butte College. My kids were only 2 and 5. My dog Iko was still alive. My dream of starting my own business wasn’t even a twinkle in my eye yet. Dang! That was like a different lifetime!

Each night back then, I would take Iko for a walk after dinner and wish on a star:

Star light, Star bright,

I wish I may, I wish I might,

Get this wish I wish tonight:

I wish I could talk to animals.


A Wish Becomes an Intention

I felt ridiculous wishing on a star but the longing in my heart was so strong I had to do something – and I didn’t know what else to do. Silently repeating that wish with passion in my heart each night turned my wish into an intention.

And the Universe listened to me, orchestrating all kinds of events that seemed to have nothing to do with my dream – but now I can see that they were paving the way for my dream to come true.

Some of those events:

  • discovering EFT and incorporating it into my classes and workshops – and my daily life
  • meeting USM  grads who got me excited about what was possible for me with a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology
  • facing my demons from my childhood and re-writing the limiting beliefs that were holding me back from being myself
  • opening myself up to the unknown and learning how to be vulnerable and to trust on every level
  • enrolling in a year-long psychic training program so that I could get the tools and practice I needed to develop my natural intuitive abilities
  • sharing my crazy dream with just the right person who would gently nudge me to actually talk to animals

I loved my life back then but I love it even more fully now. I feel so much more . . . ME.

Talking to animals is part of that. Having my own business is part of that.

But the most important part of feeling more like myself came from the inner changes that happened along the way to making my dream come true: the ones that allowed me to be able to talk animals, quit my job, and start my business. And it all started with a little wish on a star.

Now It’s Your Turn

What were you doing in 2008 when this cycle began?

What has changed in your life over the last 9 years?

What was the theme of this cycle in your life?

Where are you know (older, wiser, new improved)?

I’d love to hear about your life and the cycle you are completing. Please leave a note in the comments with your answers to one or all of the questions above.

Congratulations on completing another cycle in your life!


  • Cara Gubbins

    Reply Reply January 1, 2017

    Wow! That’s awesome, Terri! A new year, a new 9-year cycle – who knows what goodness is coming your way?! Keep us posted!

  • Terri

    Reply Reply December 14, 2016

    Wow! In 2008 I had my first child, followed the year after by my second. So the last 9 years have been a whirlwind of motherhood along with starting a business. I’ve been feeling that this time is the end of something, a shift, an opportunity so now you’ve framed it like this I’m even more excited about the new year!

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