How to Start and End an Animal Intuitive Reading

Creating Your Routine

Have you done an Animal Intuitive Reading or want to start doing them?

Part of getting good at talking to animals is having a structure or routine that supports you. Like any habit, the more you do it, the better you get at it. And it’s easier to do it when you know what you’re going to do.

When I’m give a speech, I like to know how I’m going to start and how I’m going to end and then I can feel comfortable with whatever happens in the middle. Intuitive Readings work the same way for me. What happens during the reading is always different, but I always have my bookends – I start and end the reading the same way every time. This is part of my energetic self-care routine and part of my ongoing training to keep improving with each reading that I do.

Also, knowing how to start and end a reading keeps the process (and the information I get) clean and clear.

This week, my blog is a little different – I have 2 videos for you. The first offers my tips for setting up an intuitive reading with an animals. The second shares my routine for ending a reading. I hope these help you with your readings!

How to Start an Animal Intuitive Reading



How to Talk to Animals

The middle of the Animal Intuitive Reading is the meat of the sandwich! This is where you ask questions, get answers and have FUN! There are lots of tools and techniques that you can learn to get better and better at this part – get more information, be more accurate, and get more details. These are the topics that I cover in my classes .

In Talk with the Animals, students learn the energetic tools of intuition and self-care as well as discover their natural psychic gifts an dhow to use all of your psychic senses. Of course they also learn how to use all those tools during Animal Intuitive Readings!

In 4 Readings in 4 Weeks, students learn how to get specific information, how to get more information, how to get more detailed information and lots of other higher level skills.

How to Complete an Animal Intuitive Reading

One of the challenges that many intuitives run into is clearing their energy and staying healthy after doing intuitive readings. After my first Psychic Fair I was like a big fat bowl of mush. I had no brain power, I was exhausted and I felt fuzzy headed and lethargic. All symptoms of not completing my readings throughout the day! Let me be your cautionary tale and follow the steps in this video so you don’t have to feel so crappy and wonder why like I did!


Now It’s Your Turn

What did you learn or re-learn from these videos? What will you do differently next time you connect with an animal? Please let me know in the comments below!

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