October Animal Wisdom Forecast

September’s Dream Come True

September was a great month to make a dream come true. (Check out my monthly and weekly forecasts for September here.) I seized the day and made one of my dreams come true: I decided to write and publish my next book! I am putting the finishing touches on it now and hope to publish it in the next couple of weeks. I’m so grateful for last month’s reading because I knew about the energy that month I was able to take advantage of the universal support for manifesting my dream.

In What the Elephant Knows, I share the story of how a chance encounter with an Asian elephant in Thailand had the power to help me save my husband’s life.

In this Kindle Short Read, I share the wisdom, insight and tools I gained that anyone – and everyone – can use to cultivate the strength and confidence they need to face any challenge in their lives.

I’m sharing my story to help you harness the power of an elephant inside of you.

It’s time to reclaim your Personal Power.

October’s New Energy

September also brought us so many challenges and tragedies with all of the natural disasters around the world. That may be part of why the energy of October is so different. Where should we focus this month? What are the opportunities and challenges of October? What’s the Big Picture this month? You can find out all about it in this month’s forecast video.

Now It’s Your Turn

This month I’ll also be doing the weekly focus readings to support you in harnessing the energy of the month for your highest good, so be sure to check out my YouTube channel each Forecast Friday for those updates. In the comments below, I’d love to hear your response to this month’s forecast. Will it be hard for you to DO LESS and BE MORE? Why or why not?



1 Comment

  • Heather

    Reply Reply October 6, 2017

    Thank you Cara! I was looking forward to your October forecast.

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