December Animal Wisdom Forecast

December’s New Energy

What energy is swirling around us this month? Where should we focus? What are the opportunities and challenges of December? What’s the Big Picture this month? You can find out all about it in this month’s forecast video.


Now It’s Your Turn

This month I’ll also be doing the weekly focus readings to support you in harnessing the energy of the month for your highest good, so be sure to check out my YouTube channel each Forecast Friday for those updates. In the comments below, I’d love to hear your response to this month’s forecast. Will it be hard for you to CHERISH THE MOMENT this month? Why or why not?

1 Comment

  • Kim Kowalski

    Reply Reply December 4, 2017

    I resonate with all the animals that came forth for this months forecast. I struggle

    every year to find balance between meeting the expectations of others and finding

    time to savor the things within the season that are meaningful to me alone. This

    means taking time to recharge by spirit and letting some things go. I will have to

    speak up and say there are things that won’t happen unless the burden is shared!

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