March Forecast – Integrating Intuition and Intellect

March – Spring Brings Changes

It’s time to integrate parts of yourself that might not seem compatible – at least according to the card reading I did for March. What part of yourself are you shying away from? What seems challenging about yourself to accept? The energy this month will help you see that you are multifaceted and complex – not black and white!


Now It’s Your Turn

How do the messages from Mountain Lion, Reindeer and Bear apply to you and your life? In the comments below, I’d love to hear your response to this month’s forecast. Have a GREAT month!


  • Ann-Britt

    Reply Reply March 5, 2018

    Love this! I havet already begaun to dom this! I am starting to listen to my emotions and sensations from my body, and really meet event uncomfortable messages from my emotions and sensations. And by doing that, allowing them to transform, and change. So not djudging them as god ordning bad, they just are. So good and bad gets integrated and transform.
    I would Aldo like to talk to THE animals, they listen to me, bit I don’t hear them.
    Thank you for å beautiful reading 😊

    • Cara Gubbins

      Reply Reply March 5, 2018

      Fantastic, Ann-Britt! Isn’t it amazing that when we simply allow our emotions to be expressed, they move and change automatically! Great work! Definitely stay tuned for my Talk with the Animals 1 class coming this Spring! I think you will LOVE it! -Cara

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