Taking a Bath with an Elephant!

Elephant Blessing Retreat 2017 In mid-January 2017, six adventurous souls traveled to northern Thailand to connect with Asian Elephants on my first Elephant Blessings Retreat. Our goal was to experience a deep spiritual connection with the elephants and exchange the blessings of our souls with the elephants. Our ultimate goal was to feel the openness…
One Word for 2017

New Year, New You The New Year automatically seems to make us think about the future and fresh beginnings. It’s energizing, uplifting and inspiring. We are re-creating ourselves every day, but a new year brings it’s own magic to the table. There’s new energy abounding and if we can harness that energy, we can use…
What Are the Animals Telling Us?

Here Is What I Heard… Taking a moment to experience my gratitude for my life and all the blessings of this year led me to this conclusion: intuition has been very, very good to me. Many lessons and messages came to me through my intuitive conversations with animals (and spirits) and I was able have…
Goodbye 9-Year Cycle

It Was an Ordinary Morning… I was on my daily walk in the park with Dazzle and Po when it hit me: 2016 is a “9” year, which means that in a few weeks, we’ll be completing a nine-year cycle. Yikes! For some reason, the weight of it hit me and felt very profound. I…
Wisdom from a Butterfly and Guided Meditation

What an enlightening conversation with the BUTTERFLY in the Animal Wisdom Circle this month! The Butterfly we connected with was a female Glasswing Butterfly living in Costa Rica. She told us she chose this butterfly species to reincarnate in several times so she could really learn her lesson of non-attachment. It was super interesting! She…
The Asian Elephant Oracle Card

How do Patience, Faith and Connectedness help us? As a spiritual messenger, the Asian Elephant tells us to have faith, be patient and know that we are never alone. These words are all the more powerful considering they come from 63-year old elephant who spent the first 62 years of her life working in the…
The Hummingbird Oracle Card

How can we Savor the Sweetness of life? As a spiritual messenger, the Hummingbird is all about tasting and savoring the sweetness of life. The sweetness will come to an end so we have to savor it while we have the chance. This is what the Hummingbird I spoke with in the Animal Wisdom Circle…
How Do *You* Make the World a Better Place?

The Question Last week in the Animal Wisdom Circle, I was interviewed by Janet Roper who closed our session by asking me: “What is one thing that is the ‘Cara Essence’ that makes the world a better place?” Before I share my answer with you, I invite you to think about how *you* would answer…
The Buffalo Oracle Card
How can we find PEACE when we’re surrounded by violence? Last month, I spoke with an American Buffalo in the Animal Wisdom Circle. The Buffalo shared his spiritual gift, lesson and message to people with me, which I shared on my blog 2 weeks ago. (You can find the Buffalo’s answers here.) One of the…
The Power of Love

A Sanctuary is a Place Filled with LOVE I spent the day yesterday at the Home At Last Animal Sanctuary in Yankee Hill, California. There, I fell in love over and over and over again – immediately loving each rescued animal that I met, starting with the alpacas and dogs and donkeys and working through…