Praying Mantis – Animal of the Month

The Gift of Living in a Spiritual Context This month, I spoke with a Praying Mantis in the Animal Wisdom Circle. He was so mystical and inspiring! Just being with him, I could feel the expansion of my soul! He saw himself as a reminder of the spiritual nature of all beings. So, next time…
A Daily Routine to Boost Your Intuition

Daily Routine 1, Limiting Beliefs 0 When I was learning how to talk to animals I had a few things going for me and a few things working against me. What was working against me were my limiting beliefs that I couldn’t do it or that people wouldn’t believe me or that people would think…
How to Start and End an Animal Intuitive Reading

Creating Your Routine Have you done an Animal Intuitive Reading or want to start doing them? Part of getting good at talking to animals is having a structure or routine that supports you. Like any habit, the more you do it, the better you get at it. And it’s easier to do it when you…
3 Steps to Set Yourself Up for Success Talking to Animals

The Old Days My intuition used to be hit or miss. Sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldn’t. I couldn’t figure out what made the difference for the longest time. And then I did my yearlong psychic training and figured out that you have to set the stage for intuition. There are simple steps…
Underwater in Belize

Where does an Animal Communicator go on vacation? To visit animals in their natural environment, of course! In early June, my family spent the first week of summer vacation in Belize. All four of us (my husband Chris, my daughter Lexi, my son Zane and I) took the red-eye flight from Sacramento to Belize…
Wisdom from the Manatee

The Cloud and the Silver Lining This week, I am discouraged and demoralized about the Paris Climate Agreement and our current administration’s decision to pull out of the agreement. After a string of executive orders that are destroying our environment, eroding our social system and turning the clock back in every way on every issue…
My First Paid Animal Intuitive Reading

A Woman and Her Dog I could see them clear as day in my mind’s eye: a beautiful Renaissance woman walking next to royal looking dog. She wore a long, flowing dress and one of those triangle-shaped hats with a veil spilling out of the point and floating behind her. They walked along a dirt…
Wisdom from the Anteater
OR “How the Anteater Helped Me Get My Groove Back” Creativity Released A few months ago I hit creative gold: I found something I love doing that can also help me market my business: creating videos for YouTube. Within a couple days of each other, I discovered two videos that I love making: weekly forecast…
You Are Intuitive

How to Tame Your Wild Sixth Sense Have you ever felt like intuition was for other people? Or that you didn’t know how to tame that wild “Sixth Sense” of yours? Have you been struggling with developing your intuition but don’t know where to start or what step to take next because you just don’t…
May Forecast

Getting to Know Animals in a New Way The Animal Wisdom Oracle Cards are showing me new ways of connecting with animals and their guidance. I thought I knew these animals since we connected through our intuitive conversations way before I made the cards, but things can apparently go even deeper. I love it! For…